Online Order Pickup


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Start a new order

...with Your Phone:

Download the Tom's Drive In mobile app for iOS or Android to begin a new order.

...with a PC or Mac:

Click the Order Now button below to place a new online order through your web browser.Order Now

Choose a pickup time

Select the time you'd like to pickup your order using our BurgerVault Contactless Pickup. 

order online date picker

Place your order

Complete your purchase. When your order is ready for pickup, a text message will be sent to the provided number with the code to unlock the BurgerVault. burgervault text qr

Pickup your order

  1. Arrive at Tom’s and enter the lobby entrance to the BurgerVault.
  2. Enter the PIN code (or scan the QR code) at the BurgerVault screen. The door will automatically open for access to your order.
  3. Remove your order and ENJOY!
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BurgerVault Contactless Pickup

Now available at all locations!

Tom's Drive In Location Map